COB Education Abroad Mentor Program

General purpose and scope

International Business Programs (IBP) will provide funding for a COB faculty member to shadow an experienced short-term faculty-directed (STFD) program leader. The aim of the mentor program is to develop COB faculty preparedness and insights into STFD programming. A secondary goal is to increase the number of short-term programs offered and increase students’ participation and cultural competence. Faculty who participate in this program are waived from the Education Abroad requirement to use an affiliate provider when directing their first program.


Any COB faculty member is eligible to apply for the COB Education Abroad Mentor Program funding, but should consult with, and receive support from, their Department Head prior to submitting an application. Faculty members may only be funded for one mentorship.


The Director of IBP and a COB Associate Dean will review all applications and award funding based on the merit of each application. Typically, two faculty may receive funding each academic year. However, in exceptional circumstances, the COB Dean may approve funding for additional participants.

Additional conditions include:

  • Application to participate must be received no later than the program application deadline.
  • An approved program leader must agree to mentor a faculty applicant.
  • An approved program leader may mentor only one faculty per program, unless permission is allowed by the COB Dean for a second mentee.
  • An approved program leader must have completed a program of their own, prior to serving as a mentor on a subsequent program.
  • Funding is only granted to faculty who have accounts in good standing, i.e., balances of $200 or less, with the University. Accounts must be in good standing at the time of selection as well as at the time travel arrangements are made.
  • The applicant must provide a letter of support from their Department Head.
  • The applicant must have SA (Scholarly Academic), SP (Scholarly Practitioner), Instructional Practitioner (IP), or Practice Academic (PA) status.

Proposal requirements

Faculty seeking funding for this program will submit an application that includes the following:

  • Motivation for leading a short-term faculty-directed program
  • Reason for selecting a particular destination(s) and mentor, if known
  • Expected learning outcomes from the mentorship experience
  • Signed Agreement to Participate, as provided by IBP

Benefits of funding

  • Faculty who are chosen must enroll in the short-term program facilitated by the faculty mentor, per Education Abroad guidelines.
  • IBP will fund 75% of the total program fee to participate.
  • Any cost to obtain a visa, which is not included in the program fee but required for travel, will be funded, if necessary to complete the program.
  • The cost of obtaining a passport is the responsibility of the awardee.
  • Meals and incidentals not included in the program brochure are the financial responsibility of the awardee.

Expectations of recipient

Awardees must participate in all aspects of the short-term program led by their mentor, including:

  • Reviewing the Education Abroad proposal forms completed by the mentor. The mentor should review each required component of the academic and budget proposal form with the awardee.
  • Attend and observe each pre-departure and post-travel meeting held for students who participate in the mentor’s program.
  • Complete the Education Abroad application and required documentation for the program.
  • Complete the travel component of the program, assisting the faculty leader as needed to support safety and learning objectives.
  • Attend workshops available for short-term faculty-directed program leaders, including the Education Abroad Faculty Luncheon.
  • Complete mandatory Program Director pre-departure orientation with Education Abroad, which includes the Legal Counsel orientation.
  • Complete Campus Security Authority Training.
  • An awardee who fails to complete the travel component of the program will be liable for 25% of the total program fee, plus the International Programs Academic Experience Fee, and any non-refundable purchases made on their behalf. The fees will be charged to the awardee’s Missouri State account.

At the conclusion of the program, the awardee will be required to:

  • Review the final Education Abroad report prepared by the mentor.
  • Prepare and submit a drafted course proposal, itinerary, and budget for their future program.
  • Lead an international short-term program within 18 months after completing the COB Education Abroad mentor program. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Serve as a faculty mentor to a future awardee, if requested.