COB Advisor Education Abroad Familiarity Program

IBP will assist qualified advisors in the Business Advisement Center (BAC) and COB Graduate Programs Office (GPO) to participate in a Short-Term Faculty-Directed (STFD) COB Education Abroad Program or to attend a site visit conducted by an approved Education Abroad Program Provider. The purpose is to familiarize academic advisors with Education Abroad programs and ultimately boost student participation in Education Abroad programs. 



  • COB advisors (including BAC Director, BAC Associate Director, and COB GPO Coordinator) must have completed three years in the BAC or COB Graduate Programs Office prior to the travel departure date. 
  • The advisor must have exhibited satisfactory job performance at their most recent review as indicated by the absence of any Performance Improvement Plan and have no history of a Title IX or similar violation or current investigation into the same. 
  • COB will fund a maximum of two participants per fiscal year. Each advisor can be funded no more than one time under this program. 
  • Recommendation by immediate supervisor and the COB Dean or designee is required. 
  • Participants must have a valid passport with sufficient blank pages and expiration six months beyond the conclusion of the program.  
    • If a visa is required, COB will cover the cost. 
  • Participation priority will be determined by the Dean or designee taking into account: 
    • Years of service to COB/MSU
    • Performance evaluations
    • The advisor’s preference for a specific program offering (e.g., geographic region)
    • The supervisor’s assessment of potential benefit to COB students 


Up to $4,000 (excess fees, if any, will be paid by the advisor) will be paid by COB toward the program fee for an international STFDeducation abroad program led by a COB faculty member or an international site visit conducted by an Education Abroad Program Provider approved by the MSU Director of Education Abroad. The program or site visit must be approved by the COB Dean or designee. If the program fee is less than $4,000, the unused portion will remain with COB; it cannot be assigned to another person or carried over to a future program.


  • Following the program, the advisor will hold a debriefing session for fellow advisors, the IBP Director, and COB Dean or designee to discuss their experience and thoughts on promoting Education Abroad program participation by COB students. 
  • If the advisor has sufficient tuition fee waiver credits (not exhausted by personal or spouse/dependent use), they are expected to register for and fully participate in a course associated with the STFD program (audit as opposed to credit is allowable for grading purposes - audit declaration is the advisor’s responsibility). The advisor will also be required to complete and abide by all Education Abroad Program agreements. 
  • Any guest of the advisor must be approved by the STFD Program Director or Education Abroad Program Provider, COB Dean or designee, and the MSU Director of Education Abroad, and must pay the full program fee. 
  • The advisor will not be expected to perform program director responsibilities, but as a University employee, may need to assist in an emergency situation. 

Travel Arrangements

STFD Program Directors make travel arrangements for program participants. The IBP Director will make or assist the advisor in making travel arrangements to a site visit conducted by an approved Education Abroad Program Provider.

Program Participation

The advisor is expected to travel with the STFD Program Director and fellow participants throughout the entire program. Any exceptions such a joining a program in progress or leaving a program early (except in an emergency situation) must be approved by the COB Dean or designee. Such approval is typically only for extenuating circumstances. Any cost savings associated with an approved exception will remain with COB. Any additional cost incurred beyond the program fee will be paid by the advisor.

Pre/post program international travel

With the approval of the COB Dean or designee, it may be possible for the advisor to travel internationally on their own so as to join a STFD program upon its arrival at its first international destination or to continue travel beyond the conclusion of all program activities except for return travel. Likewise, an advisor attending a site visit conducted by an approved Education Abroad Program Provider, may travel to other destinations before or after the site visit, with the approval of the COB Dean or designee. The advisor must coordinate with the IBP Director to make the international flight arrangements. The IBP Director can make the fight reservations (preferred) or can pre-approve and assist the advisor in making their own international flight reservations and the advisor can request reimbursement upon the conclusion of travel consistent with COB and MSU travel policies. Any associated cost saving will remain with COB, while any cost above that incurred for travel by the STFD program participants or necessary to travel directly to/from a site visit will be paid by the advisor. All travel arrangements not made by a STFD Program Director must be made or pre-approved by the IBP Director.


Find out more!

COB advisors are encouraged to reach out to Mary Tomerlin, Director of International Business Programs for more information and application instructions.